I have tried to define some fonts much larger than BIGtype to make titles of MusiXTeX scores. Unfortunately EC fonts give wrong accented characters with the
pdftex distribution, and CM fonts suppress these characters with my EMTEX

For this reason, I borrowed the tactics found in the MUSIXTEX.TEX file
(see the definition of \henaurme in the attached .TEX file)

I have no idea how \iflongDCfontnames and the like make their way to me, but
it works. I can't find their definition in MUSIXTEX.TEX

Can a TeXpert tell me if this is robust or fragile ?

BTW I hope the logic of this list will understand that my .TEX attachment is
harmless, and won't trim it off :-)


Jean-Pierre Coulon                         E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur
Département ARTEMIS
BP 4229
06304 NICE Cedex 4

Tel (33) {0}4 92 00 31 74   Fax (33) {0}4 92 00 31 38
% this is not a LaTeX file :-)
\input musixtex

\font\myecbx=ecbx1000 scaled 5000
\font\mycmbx=cmbx10 scaled 5000

% inpired by the definition of BIGtype, etc. in MUSIXTEX.TEX
\font\henaurme=\fontid bx1000 scaled 5000 
\font\henaurme=\fontid bx1000 scaled 5000
\font\henaurme=\fontid bx10 scaled 5000

\def\myteststring{PI\`ECES de BO\"ELY}

\centerline {~}

\bigskip \centerline{\BIGtype \myteststring}
\bigskip \centerline{\myecbx \myteststring}
\bigskip \centerline{\mycmbx \myteststring}
\bigskip \centerline{\henaurme \myteststring}

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