I have converted the attached .ps file into pdf with the ps2pdf command
available with version 4.6 of gsview, and I when I view it with Acrobat
Reader 6.0 some eighth-rests are spread over my score.

Does anybody know why ? Is there an option that can change this ? Couldn't there be a spurious character in the defintion of \ds, that
do not bother previous versions of ps2pdf ?


1: the same bug occurs when I view the .ps with GSview, and make the pdf
with the Convert-to-PDFwrite available in the File menu of GSview 4.6

2: the bug disappears when I replace the eighth-rest of line 23 of my input file with another value of rest.

3: The bug remains when I print the .pdf with Acrobat Reader 6.0

4: All eighth-rests, correct or not, disappear when I view the .pdf with GSview 2.7 or Acrobat Reader 5.0

5: everything is OK when I do the conversion with the ps2pf that belongs to GSview 2.7


Jean-Pierre Coulon                         E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur
Département ARTEMIS
BP 4229
06304 NICE CEDEX 4

Tel (33) {0}4 92 00 31 74   Fax (33) {0}4 92 00 31 38

%\Notes\hs|\cu e\en% wrong rest, but works better
\Notes\ds|\cu e\en
\bar% 1
\NOtes\qp|\qu e\en
\Notes\isluru0b\upz a\zq{aL}\cl H|\islurd1b\lpz c\zq{ec}\cu j\en
\NOtes\upz a\zq{aL}\ql H|\lpz c\zq{ce}\qu j\en
\Notes\tslur0b\upz a\zq{aL}\cl H|\tslur1b\lpz c\zq{ec}\cu j\en
\bar% 2
\NOtesp\zhp N\hlp L|\zhlp d\qup j\en
\bar% 3
\NOtes\islurd0M\isluru1a\zqp a\qlp M|\zql c\qu h\en
\Notes|\zcl c\issluru3g\cu h\en
\NOtes\tsslur0K\tslur1b\zqp b\qlp K|\zql f\tslur3h\qu i\en
\Notes|\zcl f\cu i\en
\bar% 4
\NOtesp\itied0L\issluru1c\zqlp L\qup c|\islurd2h\itieu3l\zqlp h\qup l\en
\NOtes\ttie0\tslur1b\zql L\qu b|\tsslur2g\ttie3\zql g\qu l\en
\Notes\ds|\itied2f\cu f\en
\bare% 5
\NOtes\zhlp L\isslurd0a\zqp{^a}\qup c|\ttie2\qu f\en
\Notes|\itied2g\cu g\en
\NOtes\tslur0b\zqp b\qup d|\ttie2\qu g\en
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