On Sat, 3 Jan 2009, Jean-Pierre Coulon wrote:

Date: Sat, 3 Jan 2009 13:44:01 +0100 (Paris, Madrid)
From: Jean-Pierre Coulon <cou...@obs-nice.fr>
Reply-To: Werner Icking Music Archive
To: Werner Icking Music Archive
Subject: [TeX-Music] Source editing, XP, EDIT, notepad

Maybe this is off topic, but I'm curious to know which text editor
you use when you typeset your TeX, LaTeX, MusiXTeX or PMX sources
when you work under Windows XP.

Personally I'm pretty happy with the good old EDIT, but I foresee
EDIT (a 16-bit program) will disappear with future versions of

Is there another good, free text editor that has these EDIT's

- clearly displays the line and row number of the cursor.
- allows to select the character and background color.

Unfortunately Notepad doesn't meet these criteria, despite its
advantage of coping/pasting compatibility with most mailers and


Jean-Pierre Coulon                  cou...@obs-nice.fr

This question being off-topic, I dare to give an off-off-topic
I have been quite happy for years with TSE, which evolved from
Qedit. For details, see


That looks to me to be pretty much what you are looking for -- 2
features, in particular, I find very useful:
     * a programming language that allows practically unlimited
     * full copy/paste capability to other Win programs.

I am using TSE 2.8 ; the newest version seems to be TES 4.4 .

*** DRAWBACK *** : TSE evolved from shareware to fully commercial;
       It's not exactly cheap, but IMHO well worth the price
       (at the moment 99 USD download; special for XTreeWin users 64

       plus: there is, of course, a free `test drive' version (valid
       for a limited time, I guess). I suggest you try that before
       making up your mind.

Happy New Year with MusixteX !


PS: this text was written with TSE 2.8, as integrated into my
      WEBmail client (`Alpine') .

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