On Thu, 24 Oct 2013, Rutger Hofman wrote:

I have completed the corrections for all 3 movements; Biebricher made quite some errors in mvt 1, fewer in 2, still fewer in 3. Is there any interest in the errata list? Should I mention that I corrected only clear errors? I faithfully retained whatever might be recognized as Biebricher's arrangement.

Thanks. I think all field modifications page you've made on the imslp page, besides the score and engraving-file updates, are appropriate.

But if I may go into a more general topic, directed to all scores typesetters and uploaders on all websites: why did nobody pointed out the errors between 2009 (or before) and now?

A similar situation can be found on: http://imslpforums.org/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=7221&p=36524&hilit=peter+wolf#p36524

Why are internet score users so shy? This doesn't encourage me to typeset more scores :-(


Jean-Pierre Coulon
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