No, No, Nooooooo! Save them for the Caver, Mr. Loving, sir, please!!!!

Here's an idea--
I saw multiple people do interesting things at NSS Convention and maybe no one 
wants to write a "real trip report" but multiple brief vignettes by several 
attendees, collected into a "glimpses of Convention" article could be pretty 
entertaining. I'd write up my favorite "fooled me" moment. 

Any takers?


On Jul 30, 2014, at 4:20 PM, Charles Loving via Texascavers wrote:

> On Wed, Jul 30, 2014 at 3:04 PM, Heather Tucek via Texascavers 
> <> wrote:
> As per request from a caver unnamed, I'm posting this here too. You know, 
> just in case I haven't already royally pissed you off yet. But you know what? 
> Worth it.
> The Texas Caver has just been sent off to the printer. This is the May issue 
> of the Texas Caver. Why is it almost August and the May issue is only finally 
> being printed? Why, it's because no Texas Cavers actually  send in trip 
> reports to be published! We can't make a newsletter/magazine if there's 
> nothing to put in it.
> I know LOTS of you have gone on a number of Texas caving trips in the past 
> couple of months. I know LOTS of you went on plenty of AMAZING TAG trips this 
> month. Why is no one sending in articles? Jill spends an exorbitant amount of 
> her personal volunteer time making the layout, editing, adding photos, etc. 
> All the things needed to make the Texas Caver a great publication. We won one 
> award at the Publication Salon at the NSS Convention. ONE. How many did other 
> organizations win? You know why? Because they actually have stuff to 
> publish!!!!
> There's an article about Texas Caving in the most recent NSS News. Why? Why 
> isn't that article in the Texas Caver? Just because it goes in the national 
> magazine doesn't mean it can't also go in the local magazine. If you're going 
> to put one together for NSS, go ahead and copy Jill on your email! (I've seen 
> this a number of times, not just this month).
> Bottom line is, if you want to see your Texas Caver magazine in the mail 
> anymore, you need to man up, be a part of the answer instead of the problem, 
> and start sending in your trip reports and photos. If you don't want to 
> publish something because you think you can't write, have someone copyedit it 
> for you first. I'll be happy to go through and fix spelling and grammatical 
> errors, as long as you SEND SOMETHING IN!!
> Start sending articles and photos to the Texas Caver or I will camp on your 
> front doorstep until you write something down. I know who you are.
> /end rant
> -- 
> Go find out!
> -Heather Tuček
> UT Grotto, DFW Grotto
> TSA Secretary & Membership Chair
> NSS 59660
> (512) 773-1348
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