You need to write down directions?! That's what a GPS is for...


I agree that an electronic publication can/should be downloaded to the
electronic devices we all carry now-a-days .




From: [] On Behalf Of
Gill Edigar
Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2009 11:29 AM
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] RE: Can TSA be trusted with email addresses?


You are right, Minton. I forgot to mention that. Carrying a Members
Manual in the car can be invaluable on long road trips or just making a
visit to somebody's house. It can, of course, be loaded into a phone or
palm pilot or similar device. But I like paper, especially if I have to
take notes--as in directions to somewhere. 


On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 11:14 AM, Mark Minton <> wrote:

       Stefan said:

>Why would one (want to) download and print an online publication (the
"members manual")? Surely the whole point of it being online is so you
don't have a printed copy?!!

       I like to have printed members manuals with me when I travel.
They are very handy for calling up a friend if you happen to be passing
through or are looking for a place to stay, break down and need help,
etc.  Access to online information is not always available.

Mark Minton

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