On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 9:19 AM, Stefan Creaser <stefan.crea...@arm.com>wrote:

> Why would one (want to) download and print an online publication (the
> "members manual")? Surely the whole point of it being online is so you don’t
> have a printed copy?!!
Oh, no, Stefan, that's exactly wrong. Reading something on-line is a pain in
the ass. The purpose of it being on line is exactly so that I CAN print it
out--like NOW--and then curl up with a G&T and my feet in the air and read
it in abject comfort. No sitting upright at a stupid monitor I have to keep
scrolling down and up and down and up and centering pictures and maps so
they can be seen. And to have a hard copy for archival purposes so that I
can retrieve it rapidly from the stack and not have to search around for the
disk with the file on it, if I even remembered to back it up in the first
place. The download just replaces the mailman--and rather supplants him, in
fact. A hard copy is what we're after, but how we get it and how much it
costs is the point to be considered. In reality, if you print your copy in
color (ink jet), both sides you're probably spending $2 to $4 for ink per
issue. That's about what an issue costs to print in bulk on a duplicator, +
or -; more for offset. (How much, Mark?) So, the production cost is about
the same but not borne by the TSA and they save a dollar or so on mailing
costs--and a good bit of hassle mailing it. If you print it out in 11x17 you
get a saddle stitched issue that you practically can't tell from the mailed
version. Pretty neat, huh? Kinkos'll do it for ya, including folding and
stapling, if you don't have a printer in that format.



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