AMEN, brother!
You are 100% correct!
WHY use more than you need?  "It's our birthright".  Bullshit.
It's like diminishing the future of your children to impress the neighbors.

On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 5:49 PM, Scott Nicholson

> A guy I wouldn't normally read (he's too conservative for my general
> tastes), Andrew Basevich, said something smart lately.  Basevich is a
> Vietnam/Gulf War vet, retired colonel, West Point grad, Johns' Hopkins
> professor, etc....
> He said he couuld trace our current financial crisis on our "mistaking
> freedom for consumerism".
> I agree with him...  We've shifted to a mindset wherein it is our
> birthright as Americans to rabidly consume...often beyond our means.  We
> live our lifestyle on the soulders of the rest of the world....  Our #1
> industry is now credit servicing;  in the early 70's it was manufacturing.
> Our entire cultural midset has devolved into rampant comsumerism......
> The housing fiasco, greed on Wall St., everyone credit-carded to the
>'s downright scary!  And sorta sad to see our great country
> wallowing in a Huge Mess that was forseeable/preventable (at best)
> and probably repeatable (at worst).
>  Scott Nicholson, Broker
> KW Commercial
> 512-947-2688
> Discovery Realty Group
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