The only problem I have with McCain, aside from the insulting pick of Palin as 
a running mate, is that he's an insider....has been for over 20 years.
It's indisputable that he's a total badass and hero...but, to me (and in my own 
humble opinion) he represents one face of the machine that runs our whole 
country and maybe even the world. 

My wife and I have a nice older home (we put 20% down and have a very low 
mortgage payment) and two older cars (an '05 Subaru and '99 Yukon) which we 
will keep and maintain until it's not cost-effective.  We have no debt other 
than our mortgage and a student loan payment.  We live on credit.  We 
try to live like our grandparents did...although we probably have a few more 
luxuries than they...we occasionally eat out and have some "stuff" like big TVs 
and we travel some....overall we're very conservative when compared with our 
peer group.  We' also consider ourselves very fortunate!

We're Constitutionally and fiscally conservtive...although when most people say 
"conservative" these days they mean morally conservative.......I don't call 
myself morally conservative.  That's a whole other topic.  :-)

I agree, Fritz, on the tax issue.  I'm self-employed and we pay an obscenely 
large tax bill each year....Obscene!
Anyone out there educated on the Fair Tax plan?  I don't know too much about it 
but I've heard it proposed that everyone pay a flat 10%.....I'd have to have 
plastic surgery to remove the grin from my face if all I had to pay was 10%...!!
 Scott Nicholson, Broker
KW Commercial
Discovery Realty Group 

----- Original Message ----
From: Fritz Holt <>
To: Scott Nicholson <>; Off Topic 
Cc: Russ K Johnson <>
Sent: Thursday, October 9, 2008 10:25:10 AM
Subject: RE: [ot_caving] andrew basevich

My wife and I have two nice homes, older automobiles (02&87) and NO DEBT. We 
are most fortunate (except for my wife being married to me) and we are 
conservative in our lifestyle and our politics. We are against more and higher 
taxes as we already pay more than we should. This is one of several reasons 
that I am voting for John McCain with no apology. Uncle Sam nicks us good for 
the privilege of living in the greatest (freest) nation on the planet. I only 
wish that I could convince my precious wife to leave the congested, over taxed 
war zone known as Houston in favor of The Hill Country.

-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Nicholson []
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2008 5:50 PM
To: Off Topic
Cc: Russ K Johnson
Subject: [ot_caving] andrew basevich

A guy I wouldn't normally read (he's too conservative for my general tastes), 
Andrew Basevich, said something smart lately.  Basevich is a Vietnam/Gulf War 
vet, retired colonel, West Point grad, Johns' Hopkins professor, etc....

He said he couuld trace our current financial crisis on our "mistaking freedom 
for consumerism".

I agree with him...  We've shifted to a mindset wherein it is our birthright as 
Americans to rabidly consume...often beyond our means.  We live our lifestyle 
on the soulders of the rest of the world....  Our #1 industry is now credit 
servicing;  in the early 70's it was manufacturing.  Our entire cultural midset 
has devolved into rampant comsumerism......

The housing fiasco, greed on Wall St., everyone credit-carded to the's 
downright scary!  And sorta sad to see our great country wallowing in a Huge 
Mess that was forseeable/preventable (at best) and probably repeatable (at 
Scott Nicholson, Broker
KW Commercial
Discovery Realty Group

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