My parents were born in 1902 and 1904 so I grew up with parents who were in 
their 40's when I was born and the story of onion sandwichs were talked about 
often. I am one who always has enough canned goods for a bad storm. I was very 
uneasy when I bought a car that was not paid for with cash.

Don't get your girdle in a knot! A lot of us "old folks" don't have houses 
(although I've now been approved for a modest home loan) and many of the 
pensions people thought they were going to have are now non-existent. If you 
want to blame somebody (and there's certainly enough blame to go around), add 
to your blame list the lenders who encouraged people with bad credit and 
spending habits to borrow beyond their means and borrowers who couldn't tell 
the difference between what they needed and what they wanted. They may have 
wanted that new SUV and the 5,000 sq ft house, but did they really need them? 
Were they all Republicans? I'm sure that many of those borrowers and lenders 
were Democrats or of no affiliation. One thing for sure, greed and bad 
judgement are not the sole purview or raison d'etre of Republicans. Blaming is 
easy, ferreting out the truth is hard.
My parents were children of the depression. I grew up in a very fiscally 
conservative home. Debt and borrowing were discouraged at my house. I'm not 
sure who raised this generation who thought they were entitled to run this 
nation into debt, but it wasn't my generation.
Life is easy; comedy is hard!

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