I've been to the back of Airmen's twice. I think most people who do it do so because its a challenge. But I've always figured that a six-hour haul with a scuba tank would be harder, and have figured that one day I need to go on one of these Honey Creek trips to do something harder (and more productive). But we should also consider this: Airmen's is right here in Austin. It supposedly has going leads. But no one seems willing to go back that far to survey. So maybe it is harder than diving Honey Creek. I know I was willing for awhile, but could never get any "modern" maps to find out where the supposed leads supposedly were. We've talked hypothetically, in any case, of what it would be like if a sump dive was needed in Airmen's in the future. Shit it would be hard. I took a marathon runner to the back once. It took him all trip to determine which was harder, running 28 miles in one shot or going to the back of Airmen's. He decided the marathon was harder. I can't run, so I'd rather go to the back of Airmen's than run three miles in one shot, but that's just me.

I don't see why the Wire Wiggle is so hard, really, by the way. You're really tired by the time you get there, but it's wider and smoother than the entrance crawl. I got my bag (which was attached to my foot) stuck in the Wire Wiggle, though. I had to yank my foot around until the bag yanked my shoe off, go on, turn around in the crawl beyond, and then get the bag through. It was a big bag. We were camping back there. But it wasn't anything like a scuba tank. In any case, I'm sure this is all based on who you are again. My understanding is that the Wire Wiggle was knocked out by skinny cavers, therefore they widened it enough only for skinny cavers. Tall people hate the one-legged man, too, though I've seen two different 6' 4'' cavers do it.


speleoste...@tx.rr.com wrote:
Well, maybe so.  I happen to have been to all three places.  But I've only been 
on a tank haul to the upstream sump in Honey Creek.  I don't know that I could 
haul a tank to the back of Airman's.  I'd at least have to switch legs along 
the way used to drag the tank behind me.

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