We have always needed permission to dig in/on/for caves in the parks with different levels of permission depending on the park, and only speaking about the long running projects, Government Canyon has been much more "sensitive" to new digs then at CBSP, though both have the permission/requirements (a permit as it were) written in the MOA's between the projects and the parks.

Terry H.

Minton, Mark wrote:
      Stefan Creaser said:

If this law only applies to caves owned by the state of Texas then can someone 
explain to me how this helps in the case of the Butterfly/CoS?

      In the article that RD Milhollin originally posted, it said:

The bill also increases penalties for vandalizing any part of a cave, 
regardless of whether it is owned by the state or by a private entity. Under 
the measures, the current class A misdemeanor charge for first time convicted 
cave vandals will now become a state-jail felony that could carry with it the 
potential for 180 days to two years in state jail and an optional fine of up to 

      So all Texas caves are apparently protected from vandalism, but only 
state caves require a permit.  Could be interesting at CBSP, Government Canyon, 
Kickapoo, Devil's Sinkhole, etc.  Even parts of Honey Creek Cave are under 
Guadalupe River State Park land, although without an entrance they would be 
hard pressed to know what cavers were doing there.

Mark Minton

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