Wow, and to think that my Commodore Vic 20 with 5k of RAM actually ran an 
operating system at all.  Since your talking bogomips, it would be in the 
neighborhood of .004
And to make the cave/computer relationship, I havn't been able to open lately. :7
It's not power I seek, just the ability to witness the quantum entanglement of 
electrons in all states at the same time along with witnessing the effects of 
one number: 09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thu, 3 May 2007 1:50 AM
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] OT - computer news

Well, as much as I'd like to say the 'bloatation' of Windows is a microsoft 
problem - 
I've noticed enhanced feature performance hindrance every bit as much (or even 
more) in the X-Windows, shareware realm of Gnome (graphic environment for RH 
(and other) Linux(es)).  
The '2000 release' of RH 7 Linux runs (almost) decently fast on a 233Mhz 
Pentium I MMX.
I don't mean way way up there in bogomips, but it doesn't "lag".
But - running Fedora 6 on a 500Mhz Celeron machine was downright 'painful'. 
(More than a scant 128M of memory, MIGHT have helped, though)
[Painful also in that it showed me I wasn't "all that" in configuring Samba.]
XP, being less promiscuous than Win98 has made communicating with my Linux 
"droids" impossible in their role as file servers.  Easy still, to FTP or 
Telnet, but that SMB thing... argh!! 

I guess somewhere there's a perfectly 'well put adage' about how operating 
system overhead always increases to the degree that cutting edge hardware will 
suffer only slightly.

As an ancient Chinese philosopher, (or somebody in the Firesign Theater), (or 
both), once said, "...dig a big enough hole and everybody will want to jump 
Or some other wise guy -
 "Any foot - sufficiently large, will have a shoe made that will fit it." (But 
only the horse led to water will, if the shoe fits, wear it)

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