Since everybody is all excited about Mexico, all of the sudden,  I thought
this would be a good time to bring up the tiny-iddy-bitty fued going on
between the Trump administration and the Pen~a administration.

What impact do you think this new tension could have on the safety of
tourist in the backcountry, and possible backlash from Mexico ?

Everybody in the U.S.A. knows that there will not be any giant wall like in
China.     It is just a metaphor for stopping
illegal immigration by whatever means is most practical, and not just
illegal Mexicans, but those pesky Venezuelans pretending to be Cubans,
( which most likely numbers in the 10,000+ ).    People seem to forget how
many refugees we took in from Hurricane Mitch.    We ain't evil.   We just
want to protect our children and our grandchildren from out-of-control

I am concerned this tension will have a terrible impact on U.S. tourist
fearing to go to Mexico.     And that Mexico might raise the prices that
Gringos pay for things that I enjoy doing down there for.    I can usually
get Mexican prices, on most things I purchase there, but I don't shop in
the tourist zones.

I had a nice visit to Reynosa about a month ago, and look forward to going
back very soon, as soon as my financial situation improves.

And before anybody even tries to call me a racist, I have been helping
Mexicans for 30+ years, and have put up with my intolerable estranged-wife
for 26 of those years.    I am extremely upset with her at the moment, but
I have to give her credit for saving our daughter's life last week, as I
would have slept through it, had my wife not started screaming in terror.

There are a lot of things I absolutely love about Mexico:     The swimming
holes, waterfalls, underground waterfalls, underground rivers, caves,
Sauteed Huastecan Langostinos from the Rio Frio, just Huastecan food in
general, the lovely ladies who seem to like me, the mountain landscapes,
the stars at night in the remote areas of the Sierra Madres, and the
hiking, and backpacking, and archaeology, etc..

What I can't stand, is the Virgin of Guadalupe and how all the "sicarios"
have a giant tattoo of her on their back, and the influence of the Pope on
their politics, not recognizing over-population is the number one
problem..     And the general fear of places in cities, ( but the same is
true or worse in parts of Houston. )   And I detest the way Mexicans drive
down there, and the condition of most of the roadways.   And those corrupt
"transitos," taking my money.     I have enjoyed caving with every Mexican
caver, I have ever been on a caving trip with, and wish I had made a better
effort to record their names, but I did try on the ones that most impressed
me.    I want to go caving there again, and with Mexican cavers.

On a different note, does anyone know a female in Ciudad Victoria named
Blanca Estela Zapata Garcia.    I met her at Mexpeleo in Sierra Alvarez,
and we tried to stay in contact about once a year over the last 20+
years.     She hurt her hand very badly about 2 months ago, and I have not
heard from her since.    It sounded like she needed emergency help, and I
would have helped her if I could have.

David Locklear
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