hi everyone

for those who weren't in Portugal

i am Vincent

i have written my drafts here


i am sorry most pages are in french

the aim is : promoting texmacs in french high schools in sept/oct 2012, or, if 
too early, in january 2013

i need help on theses points (that are exposed in my drafts)

- i need some beautiful texmacs docuemnts to put on a gallery on internet, to 
give people an idea of what can be done with texmacs. for the moment, only 
Alvaro has sent me something.

- i need some documents in a texmacs version vs a latex version to show people 
how it is difficult to obtain the same results with latex

- if anyone knows one teacher or searcher in an other country as France, that 
can eventually let us build an (extra)european project (see "international"). 
it is not easy, but contacts are necessary. So if you know such a person.

- if anyone of you have good knowledge about java could you have a look at the 
page called "TeXmacs et GeoGebra"

- could you have a look on the last 3 links ? (texmacs en ligne - texmacs 
package - texmacs on usb key)

i think it could be nice to have the new name of TeXmacs, in order to have time 
to prepare the logo and everything before sept/oct (if you agree with this 
date). I you have any proposition..


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