If the two scraps are in the same map layer (i.e. not separated by a break
line in the map definition) then the upper scrap will completely hide any
part of the lower scrap which passes under it. So the lower scrap curved
outline of the pit bottom can be quickly drawn a bit larger than the curved
line of the pit in the upper scrap, as any overlap will be hidden.


On Fri, 10 May 2019 at 13:51, Tarquin Wilton-Jones via Therion <
therion@speleo.sk> wrote:

> > So if you
> > need to join them to keep them aligned you have to specify the exact
> > line points to join to pin the points at either end of the curved lines
> > to each other in the pair of scraps.
> Many thanks for that.
> I was afraid you would answer something like that though. Laborious
> manual editing it is.
> I was wondering if maybe I could manually add the pit line into the
> lower scrap's .th2 file using a text editor. Make it invisible, outline
> out, then use XTherion to move it into position so that it touches the
> lower scrap properly, and then manually join all the linepoints in the
> .th file. That way, the shape of the curve should be perfect, with
> minimal distortion, and not relying on line thickness to hide the
> approximations.
> It's a real shame to have to do it like that though. Imagine instead
> that I could create a scrap filling only the gap, in the *upper*
> survey's .th2 file (fairly easy to do). Then imagine I could say:
> fillerscrap@uppersurvey -color lowerscrap@lowersurvey.
> (Whether this is done as a lookup, or as a direct command or property
> doesn't really matter, just as long as it is possible.)
> This would solve the problem without needing all the manual
> approximations and attempting to copy vectors between surveys.
> Feature request?
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