
I have Stations like this in a survey:

        fix wiesenponor 391349.0 5650631.0 154
        station wiesenponor "Wiesenponor" sink
        fix quelleinderagger 391952.0 5650078.0 125
        station quelleinderagger "Quelle in der Agger" spring
        fix aggertalhoehle 391124 5650259 150
        station aggertalhoehle "Aggertalhöhle" entrance 
        fix gipfel 391528 5650356 254.3
        station gipfel "Gipfel Mühlenberg" 

Is there a way to display Icons for these (but not for all stations) and the 
Comments (e.g. "Gipfel Mühlenberg") in the map without creating a scrap and 
retyping them there? I checked the MetaPost files and found no obvious way to 
enable that.



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