Thanks Ben
Two new insights for me in your examples.  I create surface station maps with 
flags like in your examples, but have never thought to include a previewed cave 
map as well - obvious really!
And I had not appreciated how to use the -station option for scraps, much 
easier than drawing them all in the scrap!

Very timely for me, as I am just in the middle of an interesting surface 
feature - cave feature mapping exercise, and Google Earth does not provide the 
same level of refinement.


-----Original Message-----
From: Therion <> On Behalf Of Ben Cooper
Sent: Friday, 6 September 2019 03:52
To: 'List for Therion users' <>
Subject: Re: [Therion] Display Station comments on Map?

Hi Max,
To your original question, I achieved something similar a while ago using 
station comments to create an overlay for fixed stations, and another for 
continuations.  The pdf outputs are attached.  While the programmatic selection 
of stations to display would be a nice to have, it is relatively painless to do 
what you want manually. These were achieved using a th2 file with a dedicated 
scrap, as you hinted at, however, I didn't need to plot all the stations - it 
is sufficient just to include the station names in the scrap -stations command, 
making this a very viable approach.

I've included the entire th2 file below - as you can see there is a long list 
of station names in the scrap command, and only three points actually plotted 
(I can't remember why these three were plotted manually, sorry. In the fixed 
stations list, I had to manually plot fixed stations that were created in the 
cave but not yet actually tied into to the survey line - my intention was that 
these would be surveyed eventually, at which point I would not have to manually 
draw them in). It wasn't very onerous generating the th2 file - I basically 
searched all my the files for the stations, manipulated the search output to 
create the list of station names, and then copied the list into my th2 file; 
job done.  In fact one could easily write a script that did all of that and 
just output the entire th2 file.

The full Therion survey with the metapost definitions of the station points 
that I used is available at  Start with the 
thconfig files called and 

Here's the th2 scrap:
scrap Continuations_s1 -projection plan -stations [M2d@MCGPaper.Entrance 
M11d@MCGPaper.Entrance 11d@MidnightChamber.Entrance BS10@MCGPaper.Entrance 
r4d@CC.GoldenChamber r14@CC.GoldenChamber 31d@BoulderChoke 34@Leg1.MalcolmsWay 
35@Leg1.MalcolmsWay 2@Leg2.MalcolmsWay MW55@MW.WalkThePlankChamber 
ws11@WallStreetCC.WallStreet 1.17@WallStreetDig.WallStreet 
1.0a@Disto.CharnelPassage 1.23@Disto.CharnelPassage 27@Pony.RoyalIcing 
1.2a@HiddenPassage.RoyalIcing 1.9@HiddenPassage.RoyalIcing 
10@EP_Pony.EastPassage 11@EP_Pony.EastPassage 22d@EP_Pony.EastPassage 
23@EP_Pony.EastPassage 32@EP_Pony.EastPassage 45@EP_Pony.EastPassage 
49@EP_Pony.EastPassage 51@EP_Pony.EastPassage 4b@DeepPoolTube.EastPassage 
14@DownUnder.EastPassage 21@BZA_Pony.BeyondZebraAven.EastPassage 
31@BZA_Pony.BeyondZebraAven.EastPassage 35@BZA_Pony.BeyondZebraAven.EastPassage 
45@BZA_Pony.BeyondZebraAven.EastPassage 49@BZA_Pony.BeyondZebraAven.EastPassage 
62@BZA_Pony.BeyondZebraAven.EastPassage 63@BZA_Pony.BeyondZebraAven.EastPassage 
66@BZA_Pony.BeyondZebraAven.EastPassage 67@BZA_Pony.BeyondZebraAven.EastPassage 
1.38@Disto.SouthPassage 1.40@Disto.SouthPassage 1.51@Disto.SouthPassage   
1.0@WPDisto.WestPassage 2.2d@WPDisto.WestPassage 2.5@WPDisto.WestPassage 
2.18@WPDisto.WestPassage F1@NeverlandCC.Neverland G1@NeverlandCC.Neverland 
H1@NeverlandCC.Neverland 3.35@NeverlandDisto.Neverland 
18@NeverlandRopeClimb.Neverland 33@NeverlandRopeClimb.Neverland 
47@NeverlandRopeClimb.Neverland] -scale [-128.0 -128.0 14706.8877 -128.0 0.0 
0.0 376.80614758 0.0 m]

point 2344.46 6494.81 station -name 46@NeverlandRopeClimb.Neverland

point 10441.94 4602.38 station -name 35@EP_Pony.EastPassage

point 4582.73 16269.96 station -name E0@MCGPaper.Entrance


Best regards,

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