What can I say?!

Bruce, that was some black magic. I don't quite understand why asking it
to ignore a leg then changing your mind and asking it to draw it anyway,
would cause it to then split it at the point you want. I wonder if I
will be able to make sense out of that in future.

What is makes me wonder is; why doesn't this exist?
extend break 6

This could cause a centreline "weakness", and prefer (but not mandate)
breaking at that point. It would massively simplify this control, and be
much more predictable.

> try to change the line in your .th file from:
> extend ignore 6 5
> to:
> extend ignore 5 6
> There is no leg 6-5 in your data, but there is leg 5-6.

This does not work. I assume that is because it is trying to extend the
centreline from left to right, so it steps backwards through that oxbow
(compared with the data). Or maybe I have not played with Bruce's
solution enough...


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