Hi Tarquin


> I don't quite understand why asking it to ignore a leg then changing your 
> mind and asking it to draw it anyway, would cause it to then split it at the 
> point you want. I wonder if I will be able to make sense out of that in 
> future.


I think of extended generation as a trial and error sequential process.  

Tell it where to start, then what direction.  See what happens.

At the point where the generation deviates from what you would like, add an 
instruction, in the correct sequence.  See what happens.

Once that part works OK, look further along the centreline to find the next 
deviation, and add another instruction.  

So it is not changing mind or contradicting previous statements.  See sequence 


>What is makes me wonder is; why doesn't this exist?

>extend break 6

>This could cause a centreline "weakness", and prefer (but not mandate) 
>breaking at that point. It would massively simplify this control, and be much 
>more predictable.


This is pretty much exactly what ‘extend ignore 6 <station at other end of 
leg>’ does.  It causes the centreline to break at station 6, and continue 
automatic extended centreline generation elsewhere.


Here is the plan view, and the solution I came up with.  There are probably 

survey extendedloop


    data normal from to length compass clino

    1  2  1  0  5

    2  3  1  0  -5

    3  4  1  45  -10

    4  5  1  90  5

    5  6  1.71  225  45

    6  2  1.71  225  -45

    5  7  1  90  0


     extend start 1

     extend right 1

     extend ignore 6 5

     extend right 6 5




Stepping through the process I take;

     extend start 1

     extend right 1

This produces an extended centreline that propagates 1 2 6 5 4 3 2, and now 
that the loop is closed (and broken at 2), propagation continues for the rest 
of the cave from 5 7.

Could I have predicted this sequence?  No.  Usually I think Therion chooses the 
surveyed sequence, but not always.  This is why I use a trial and error 

>From the diagram above, I think that I want the map-connection line  (the 
>break) at station 6, and the extended generation direction for the leg to 
>ignore is 6 5 (despite the survey data enumerating this leg as 5 6).  So now I 


     extend start 1

     extend right 1

     extend ignore 6 5

This is much better, but the leg 5 6 is extending right and not left.

The apparent generation sequence is now 1 2 6, 2 3 4 5 6, 5 7

So I could try;

     extend right 6 5


     extend left 5 6

I chose the former because it involved less typing, but the latter makes more 
sense perhaps if you are following the apparent sequence of generation.  It 
turns out that they both work, and produce this (same apparent generation 
sequence, just the extend direction differs for 5 6);


Don’t worry, extend is a mystery for me as well.

This example turns out to fairly straight forward, but it can be very 
complicated for a real cave, especially if you don’t start thinking about the 
extended elevation until you have 10 km of passage in your project.


Any further insights greatly appreciated.




PS:  I just noticed on page 25 of the Therion Book, that extend directions can 
be explicitly influenced from within a scrap drawing.

I’d be interested in finding out about usage scenarios.


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