Hi Jon and all,

> > these things I am hoping to rectify with a massive code rewrite,
> >
> Too bad TagMindMapPlugin is disabling TiddlyDesktop functionality
> completely.

Maybe better tackle this issue with this rewrite already? Here how far
I came with TiddlyDesktop and TagMindMap installed alongside:


As you'll mention - I had to disable TagglyTagMindMap plugins
completely (hypergraph too). To my surprise I found that hypergraph is
showing in its main div even when disabled! Though opening a graph in
a tiddler invariably crushs FF, therefore I disabled the topmenu
buttons which would open such tiddlers with graphs.

This brings me to a similar question Kevin already asked: How to make
tiddlers more visible than hypergraph?

And here an interesting version of TagglyTagMindMap and hypergraph
alongside (the latter first has to be toggled on from the top menu
'Graph' button). Though again I had to disable hypergraph (and
TiddlyDesktop here) -  but this version makes the differences between
these two visualization options very clear:



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