I posted this on Christmas eve but I think it's worth repeating
often :-)

See http://firefoxprivileges.tiddlyspot.com/

There is also a bookmarklet you can drag to your Firefox
toolbar.  The link is on the above site but you might not find it.
You can
easily set privileges for any of your TiddlyWikis



On Jan 14, 8:20 am, iain <i...@jcis.net.au> wrote:
> I wouldn't have posted except for reading Dave's comments - I like
> larger Headers and Aerial font! Goes to show how annoyances are not
> universally shared.
> I think the saving issue is a big annoyance and if anyone goes through
> this group and checks I think it might be the No 1 question.
> I keep getting the "A script from "file://" is requesting enhanced
> abilities that are UNSAFE and could be used to compromise your machine
> or data:...etc" screen from Firefox which would be nice to dispense
> with. not sure whether it is a TW problem of a Firefox one.
> Also the options thing often doesn't save my name so next session I
> have to enter it all again.
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