Morris Gray

You have made the most beautiful TiddlyWiki of them all.
The ability to change themes (all your own creations) has made it even
easier for a beginner to get involved with the 'thing' called
TiddlyWiki- I just wanted to congratulate you with your stunning work
which indeed shows that it is possible to set a css-standard for TWs
that is true eycandy combined with the very best (and cutting edge)
navigational systems available..

If you and Wolfgang (Menuflex) made a hybrid 'TwT-flex' - With
changable treeview-mainmenus (+ optional starttidlders) then I believe
we would have a system that could make anyone loose their breath for a
while :-)

It's great to see so much welldocumented work take place from the
pages of this thread - and the results speak for themselves - they are
also very welldocumented.
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