> I have explored MenuFlex with its rich tapestry of innovations and
> enjoyed its cutting edge - well done.

I appreciate. Though other than you, who knows what he is doing, I
only work by copy and paste & fail and trial.

> There is one thing (e pluribus unum) I noticed and would like to use
> in TWT-Treeview. And that is MakeTable.

I'm also obsessed to keep file sizes at a minimum, therefore I often
delete what doesn't seems necessary to the functioning of what I
consider merely trials, and not redistributions. Thereby the copyright
notices sometime got neglected too.
I want to apologize for that to everyone concerned, and will correct
it. It's just been too self-evident for me, to whom I'm grateful and
own all the code snippets. And too difficult to think anyone would
attribute any initial creation to me.

For example:

MakeTable: a modification of 
by Eric, and added a wiklet from 

Browser: a modification of 
its navigation buttons by you http://twhelp.tiddlyspot.com/

> I think your MakeTable can be
> very helpful.
> However there are several code problems in it.  I have started to
> correct them, but I thought I would point this out to you and you
> might want to correct them.  Or, barring that, I'll try to fix it if
> you don't mind me using it.

All I did to MakeTable was: deleting the faq part of
FAQ_CreateTiddlersFromForms, multiplied and appended its code and
placed it all in tabs to be able to have more columns. And since this
isn't really satisfactory, I also transcluded a wiklet for creating
html tables. It wasn't meant to redistribute anything. But as one
example of what could be done without plugins (there aren't that many,
and many are from your Twhelp) and to inspire someone with more
abilities than me, to make something more useful out of it.

So it would be me very grateful, if you made something more useful out
of it. :-)

> > I'm intrigued by the accordion version of the main menu in Menuflex.
> >
> Because regular sliders instantly render
> everything hidden - with many fET within the sliders, this slows a TW
> really down. NestedSliders - as well as Tabs or Popups - know how to
> render a sliders content only when it is opened.

To use this processor time saving ability of tabs - and still make
them look almost like sliders - I copy, pasted and modified again,
this time from Phil:

See what came out of this by clicking on Slidetab or Slidetwin buttons


This became almost like accordion sliders provided by many other
plugins, but this time merely with css.

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