Lets talk about tables.

Lately there has been a focus on tables  of tiddlers and there fields (not 
static wikitext tables) and some great plugins has been developed. Lets 
talk about the what, the why and the future of tables in tiddlywiki

What tables
when we look at tiddler-tabels, i.e. tables that list tiddlers, not 
wikitext tables, I find it a bit confusing with the many options. I see 
three great plug-ins at the moment.

   - fields2table 
   Mat: simple and quick to use, in-table edits. I like this because it is 
   simple an fast to use and the inline editing is realy useful. The way you 
   specify what fields to use as columns without editing the tiddler in edit 
   mode is also nice.
   - Tiddlytables 
   Alan Aldrich : very extensive, lots of options and nice GUI, beautiful 
   tables. However for me this is overkill as I only have 5 tables.
   - Dynamic 
   as part of Shiraz by Mohammad: this has all the best from tiddlytable (that 
   it is derived from), but keeps it more simple. beautiful tables, many 
   cosmetic customisations, sort by column click (very useful) and it also has 
   inline editing.

There is a trade of here between easy of use and features. Starting from 
fields2tabel it is simple fast and easy to edit, bam here is your table. 
Dynamic table a bit more to understand a bit of a barrier to get going but 
much more beautiful and realy handy with column sorting. Tiddlytable has, 
for my usecase way to much going on and to much learning, but looks realy 
powerful so if I had a greater need for tables this might be good.

Why tables

For some tiddlers like my index of books to read, I use a handful of fields 
in them. For those kind of tiddlers, tables are very handy to sort by 
different criteria (year, genre etc.) and it gives a good overview. 

However I am not sure if it breaks with the TW-philosophy of the tiddler as 
the smallest unit and tags as the main organiser. Like TW has changed the 
way I think/interact with knowledge, I think these tables have done it too. 
when using tables I have a mindset of spreadsheets/DB. I tend to seek to 
find and overview, to fill missing fields, where the "wiki mindset" gives 
me a mindset of seeking connections and mental maps. I am not saying tables 
a bad but I think they change the room for doing an situating knowledge. Or 
is it just reinventing spreadsheets? that's worth pondering on. 

Future use and development

The main organising mechanism in TW is filtered list of different kinds 
(list-link, toc, tags). Tables is in essence also just a filtered list that 
is showing more data. You can (and I have in the past) use the list macro, 
to make a list showing many fields of its entries. As an example I have a 
list of users in my company that shows there name, what special software 
they have and version no. What these tables plugin do different, is making 
it *easier to make "list with fields* showing", *fast to sort* ( and shift) 
by different criteria, and *fast to edit field values* in bulk. This is 
very useful. 

So this is my proposal. 
Imaging that you make a standard TW list, and at the top left corner (or 
elsewhere) there is a small toggle button. table view on/of. with this you 
get a table view of your list with all fields present for the filtered 
tiddlers. You can do some edits and turn list view back on, or you can 
leave the table view on if it is more appropriate for what you are doing. 
Or you could use it to get an overview, make a quick sort by the relevant 
field and turn back to list again.

I think this could be a good way to hop between wiki mindset and database 
mindset (as commented above) and give the flexibility to use the best of 
two worlds.

what do you think. would it be something worth perusing?

unfortunately I would not be the right person to implement his idea.

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