first I was sloppy with terms-- 
when I said data tiddler, I meant standard data dictionary tiddler 
urlencode I meant uriencode --

>  I don't understand what you are saying here.. are you saying, that you 
> could change the colon to url &#x3A?  "the value section after the 
> separator it's not an issue"- that part I understand. Good to know. 
see the screenshot below-- it shows the data dictionary tiddler code on the 
left and how displays when transcluded-- the "

data dictionary tiddler value : : " (data dictionary) / "data dictionary 
tiddler value :" (transcluded) entry shows , but was manually entered-- for 
filter generated tiddler titles you'll have to have the list encode them so any 
":" is encoded.

[image: Clipboarddt.jpg]

For my problem I followd Mohammads advice and just used a json tiddler. 
> workd perfectly. 
> excellent-- I hadn't tried ":" in a json data tiddler "name"  portion 
though I assume it shouldn't be an issue since ":" separator isn't used 

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