Thank you. That is *very* helpful!



duplicating threads isn't best practice!

OK; but I had two threads because these are two different questions.
This one is about local storage.
The other one (which is still unresolved but I am OK giving up on it)
was about scheduling remote, automatic backups to GitHub at regular 

On Sunday, February 9, 2020 at 10:47:24 AM UTC-6, PMario wrote:
> On Sunday, February 9, 2020 at 2:44:55 PM UTC+1, David Furcy wrote:
>> I just realized that my tiddler creations/edits get saved to my GitHub 
>> repo more
>> often than they get saved to my local file system.
>> Does TW5 normally save the edits ONLY in browser-specific local storage?
> TiddlyWiki doesn't use browser local storage out of the box. There is a 
> plugin, which needs to be activated, if you want to do so. 
> I did make some tests after responding to your first post 
> <!topic/tiddlywiki/D2bTSNatTrA>. (BTW: 
> duplicating threads isn't best practice!)
> You should be able to use the "Browser-based local storage" plugin. See 
> more info below
> If so, when is the local .html file actually updated?
> -- In your case never!
>> In fact, When I close my browser tab, my changes are NOT changed in the 
>> local 
>> .html file.
> That's intended, with the setup you use. 
>> I am using Chrome. Also, once in a while I see a 409 error. 
> IMO that's a problem with github, or github pages. ... If you save the 
> whole wiki several times within a view seconds. 
> The save process (depending on your internet connection speed) may need 
> several seconds to upload the content. If you start it 2 or more times, the 
> github server may be confused and returns 409 response error 
> <> 
> AND more important. If the index.html file is commited it can take several 
> minutes (depending on how busy github is) till the gh-pages are updated. 
> So save and immediate reload will probably download an _old_ wiki!!!!
> -----------
> How to install the local storage plugin:
>  - Open the ControlPanel : Plugins tab
>  - Click [Get more plugins] button
>  - Click [Open plugin library]
>  - Search for "local"
>  - "Browser-based local storage" is the one you want
>  - Save to github
>    - Wait a little bit
>  - Reload the wiki (Shift F9) - and make sure, that it's the one with the 
> plugin. 
>  - Save again!!! This is important, otherwise the local-storage sync isn't 
> active on reload
> Afterwards do some testing, if the local storage is really synced. ... I 
> managed to screw up the mechanism, and I think I found an issue  BUT more 
> testing is needed. 
> have fun!
> mario

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