
I am so glad you are inspired. Your contribution will be appreciated. I think 
We are in furious agreement and share your visions.

Many of your ideas have had some consideration over recent years here and its 
good to see that you have insight into these issues even although you are new 
to tiddlywiki. The truth is tiddlywiki as at the leading edge of personal 
software in my view, if not yet as accessible to the general public as we wish. 
Tiddlywiki also has a history of absorbing and reinventing meaningful advances.

 Many of us are skilled in diverse areas and expect very different things. 
>From academics and authors to hackers and to Do list users. 

Jeremy is the creator and has maintained some strict principals that have got 
us so far with each advance expanding possibilities exponentially. There are 
conceptual leaps needed for many to come to terms with tiddlywiki, but someone 
with your broad insight will find much can be plugged in to the platform. In 
some ways it is self documented, an important principal, but this sometimes, 
results less general (although not dummed down) documentation.

the best way is to learn its mechanisiums and build a plugin or edition that 
demonstrates new solutions. If there is a gap that can be addressed in the core 
tell us about it, but more often than not someone will have a method or a 

It has being a long standing tradition to encourage people to search for 
solutions already there, but we ask do not hesitate to ask questions. I am 
often delighted at the number of different and elegant solutions that come 

This is my experienced viewpoint but others may have quite different view 

I will restate, being able to generate sites is only one opportunity, although 
it has inspired many new members recently.

I believe its key advantage is how any change can be immediately reflected 
throughout the whole wiki extremely efficently. This is more powerful than most 
people recognise.

Also despite the server options, the single file wiki is also an importiant 
principal and again results in massive advantages. Although it is a rule that 
can be broken, in a particular instance it will always remain a key principal.

Count on my support, I hope my words help yourself and others gain insight to 
the current culture here including our openness to new ideas and cultural 


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