
I am very keen on many of your ideas, please proceed with this enthusiasm. 
I would however like to share some things I am aware of that may help 
inform you of existing options in tiddlywiki; I will gust dump them because 
to address them in detail would be too much.

   - There are a number of radically different views available for 
   tiddlywiki including one that looks like trello, Murri which can work even 
   across multiple screens, JDs material plugin that includes buttons for use 
   on mobile and more.
   - Quite a few people do come to tiddlywiki looking for minimalist 
   versions for specific purposes. The traditional method was to publish 
   different editions, ideally that could also be constructed from a subset of 
   - It is interesting that so many people who have joined us of late, Due 
   to Anne/Product Hunt and perhaps even home isolation for Covid-19 happen to 
   be interested in static sites. This is an importiant direction but to me 
   this is actually only one of many. New users may not yet had a chance to 
   drink the whole bottle of tiddlywiki coolaid.

Let me share with you may primary use of tiddlywiki, although I have many 
planned, this is something no designer can address however smart the layout 
or theme. I am sure many others also do this.

This is to show how you may not yet have imagined TiddlyWiki yet.

   - I had both in tiddlywiki classic and now in TW5 a *personally wiki *I 
   share with no one, will never publish.
   - It is a project manager, 
   - To do list and knowledge repository. It has personal records, ideas 
   and projects. It evolves with my needs 
   - It has planning and time frame handling, menus, custom link sets.
   - It helps me build and record work flows and algorithms, instructions 
   and references. 

Another key wiki rins on Windows TiddlyDesktop and it interacts with my 
computer, folders, files links and supports automation, network 
troubleshooting and more.

this is not at all to diminish your approach, but perhaps even to broaden 
the possibilities further.


> You are already mentioning bunch of great points:
>>    - TiddlyWiki can already do or be many things
>>    - This presents a dilemma, because how do you set a basic standard 
>>       look for a chameleon? 
>> This is why I am so excited about, it's super powerful, but somehow it 
> seems a bit overwhelming, with all the features shouting for the 
> importance. The tool could be as blank as it can be, while displaying first 
> possible actions, and then introducing complexity as you engage within a 
> context. 

My above points try and express this in more detail, but this is the reason 
your Ideas should be able to be implemented on top of tiddlywiki. The truth 
is we need to both target the specific and remain thoughtful of the global 
lets we be overwhelmed with complexity. Jeremy has navigated a treacherous 
course to maintain backwards compatibility and continue to capture the 
evolving power. One result is however there are plenty of mature ways to 
integrate new ideas, such as your. 

>>    - TiddlyWiki  is the answer to so many questions, but which question 
>>    are you trying to answer?
>>    - There are already innovative tiddlywiki layouts like a trello look 
>>    alike, the Murri plugin and much more
>> As I see it, TW should be as it is – super powerful personal notebook, 
> with a possibility to quickly and simply publish static website, as if 
> possible (don't know much about it) a collaborative writing tool. Some of 
> the things that I see are missing:

Not all these things are missing, you have just not found them yet, perhaps 
they can be better and more readily available, but we value new 
perspectives so maintain your passion and expectations.

> I've seen some of TW themes, but it feels more like as a surface redesign, 
> but underlying issues are there. Yes, some corrections on usability and 
> some nice features like sidebar are there, but many things like fonts, 
> icons, animations, white space feels odd, as most importantly, not much is 
> improved in the usability of editing. Also, obviously I haven't seen 
> enough! Please share if something minimal exist already.
>  I have a vision for such a solution I would be happy to share if you want 
>> to consider taking it on. 
> I would love to hear your vision if you are willing to share! Both on the 
> strategy and design, let's collaborate. We can discuss here + draft a more 
> structured google docs + prioritize tasks on Trello + share the actual 
> design vision and comment on Figma prototype.

You give me a link or start a thread here or in my personal group 
https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en#!forum/tiddlywiki-by-psat I will 
start a forum thread where I edit my lead post see "Dynamic Layout concept 
development" (to be started)

> One way I would like to see the recent discussions evolve is a bit like 
>> how developers may use wordpress as the back end and write their own front 
>> end.
> Could you explain a bit more what do you mean here?

Many wordpress developer used to install wordpress for its user post, page 
handling and its dashboard back end, however they would actually code their 
own front end. Thus we see websites all over the world many do not know are 
actually wordpress. I am not suggesting something so extreme, I am 
suggesting with different themes and page structure tiddlywiki can and does 
do the same, Your ideas are a perfect case in point. There are benefits to 
many TiddlyWikis  underlying mechanisms that are not obvious until you have 
spent sometime with it. The thing is a good design on top of tiddlywiki 
will benefit from the many advantages within tiddlywiki.

> When it comes to static site generation, there are great mechanisms in 
>> tiddlywiki to do this already as no doubt people see, but to make it really 
>> powerful we need to improve and support the workflow and templates used to 
>> do this. 
> I really want to dig deeper into the current state of art of TW's static 
> site generation. It must be as simple as in any other SSG, but even 
> simplier! I like what Publii <https://getpublii.com/> is doing. You just 
> write you site visually and then publish to GitHub Pages or SFTP as a 
> static site with one click (+ first time simple settup).

As I said previously, lets keep developing this; but it is but one path we 
can take, and I hope it can continue to leverage prior art within 

> Tiddlywiki as a platform, Software Development Kit, Personal Productivity 
>> tool, site generator, database.... interface design ... is almost infinite.
>> I would like to see a responsive theme that contains elements that come 
>> into use only if given content and obeys a set of rules that allows almost 
>> any design structure, with default that result in what we currently see, 
>> but a small set of changes transforms it.
> That's how I see it too! Simple, responsive, contextual, prioritised. 
> There should no unnecessary switching "modes", viewing and editing should 
> feel as one coherent flow. And all the power of the tool can come into the 
> right place, but it should to be prioritised.

I agree, many need what you say here, but I do want to be able to switch 
modes - say from authorship with tools, to publish site, to trello board 
and mobile view. Ideally on the same wiki if I choose to.

We do need this to popularise tiddlywiki further, but we should be careful 
not to dumb down the underlying system (Not saying you are), we need more 
designer approachs.

Yours Sincerely

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