
Strong values expressed in this reply are my personal feelings based on 
complex concepts, and I do not intend insult to anyone, if you feel I have 
slighted you somehow, you miss readme. I would rather express my ideas then 
self censor.

Scanning this thread, I see a lot of value to read in detail as well, 
Whilst I empathise with Edgaras I would like to respectfully suggest that 
often we want more from tiddlywiki not because it can't do it, but because 
we have prior experience of something different. We cannot get to know 
tiddlywiki on the first "date",  The markdown vs wikitext is a key example, 
Markdown is trivial, and Wiki Text markdown equally so, it takes minutes to 
reorient, I have edited WikiPedia the Tiddlywiki in the same hour, it is 
not a problem. Any thing markdown delivered wikitext can also. 

However filters and other features employ the use of at least 4th 
generation coding structure such as the powerful list processing in 
tiddlywiki. The new user will see these quickly, but to then say tiddlywiki 
is too complex is is like refusing Santa's gifts because they are too 

Tiddlywiki is full of shiney tools and possibilities, like walking into a 
well appointed toolshed, you should expect at first it may seem complex, 
but before long you will recognise the hammer the saw etc...

Given I now have a much deeper understanding of tiddlywiki (more than a 
decade experience) I see virtually no barriers to doing anything in 
tiddlywiki, and since it is based on html/css/javascript many of the skills 
one gains to understand tiddlywiki are transferable. When I do see barriers 
I try and get around them or encourage others to, however tiddlywiki's 
capabilities are so expansive its possibilities are already infinite.

With the sudden influx of new enthusiasts during these covid times I see 
trends perhaps from tiddlywiki naivety, I do not agree with, but it can be 
hard to express the arguments because it involves technical and value based 

   - Propensity to solve perceived gaps with Javascript before knowing how 
   to do it in wikitext/Macros and widgets
   - A Strong focus on exporting static files (A strength but only one of 
   the reasons for tiddlywiki), consider exporting whole tiddlywikis.
   - Tiddlywiki's capabilities seeming complex, not because it is, but 
   because it allows you to be.
   - People placing demanding expectations on tiddlywiki, which it can 
   meet, born from any solution they like on the internet. Yes tiddlywiki can 
   adapt those methods and present them, but it can do this for most 
   algorithms and solutions. To maintain this versatility requires uniquely 
   tiddlywiki solutions that take time to learn, Why?, because it remains 
   versatile, not to one personal preference, but to many peoples desires.

Tiddlywiki is an adaptable chameleon unlike almost any other comparable 
solution, unless someone has shared an edition, you must not expect to be 
spoon fed a solution that resembles a much less capable subset of 
tiddlywikis features, why would you want that when you can future proof 
yourself with much more?

Sure these qualities of tiddlywiki may be a barrier for many, but I have 
swallowed the red pill and I am not going back, nor would I want to loose 
functionality for tiddlywiki to appeal to more people.

My key focus of late is opening capabilities and removing barriers I find, 
most of which few people would come across anyway, this is because I have 
adopted the tiddlywiki platform as the key technology I can develop any 
solution on, in the future. In time you will see easier methods to do many 
things, I have a large library in the wings, which I intended to share, If 
mohamad and other has not done too good a job of it before me :) 

I hope my alternative view helps people understand tiddlywiki better.


On Saturday, April 25, 2020 at 3:59:32 AM UTC+10, Edgaras wrote:
> *[Edit] read the original post under the line below*
> *UPDATED: 2020-05-21*
> *Google Document outlining the strategy for redesign:* *TW Rewamp Outline 
> <>
>  📄*
> *Link to the latest prototype (on Figma design tool): **TW revamp v0.03 
> <>*
> *📐*
> *Link to the videos of the prototype: **Prototype videos 
> <>*
> *🎬*
> –––––––––––––––––––––––––––
> Hello everyone!
> I've just recently discovered TiddlyWiki (crazy it's been around for 15 
> years already!) and I am very pumped up about it! It's not only a great 
> note taking tool, but it's also a powerful CMS + Static Site Builder!
> I think that TW deserves and has a potential of reaching broader 
> audiences! 
> However, one of the biggest drawbacks for me is the *design of TW*. And 
> not only the visual design, but also the whole experience of using it. The 
> functionality and features seem very powerful (and I am just scratching the 
> surface), but the first time experience of using the tool is not very 
> pleasant. I really think we could greatly improve the visuals and usability 
> of TW, to match the other modern tools, and people expectations.
> This would address many of the root causes of these problems: Rethinking 
> <>
> I am experienced UI designer and I am willing to volunteer on creating a 
> new minimal and simple, yet still powerful TW theme!
> I am looking for a developer who knows TW well and who wants to 
> collaborate on creating this new theme. I code myself a bit, but it would 
> be way more effective to collaborate with a bit more experienced coder.
> If there will be more interest, I will share all the design files on 
> Figma, so anybody can give feedback and we can improve the designs together!
> Anyhow, I would like to know if anybody can also see the value in what I 
> am talking about? 😊 
> Cheers!
> - Edgaras

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