I proudly present the...

TiddlyGoo project <https://tiddlygoo.tiddlyhost.com/>

The project is an expanding set of tools for integrating your wiki with the 
web - do participate with more ideas!

[image: illustration_small.png]

Fellow *tiddleur* *@Mark S* and I recently presented 
<https://groups.google.com/g/tiddlywiki/c/iqS_xINysUA/m/VAJtnRg2AwAJ> the 
SheetsIN plugin which is one of the linchpins enabling me to hereby present:

*The DriveTree plugin*
Map your Google Drive as a tree structure in TiddlyWiki. (Finally use TW as 
a document manager!)

*The Pic macro*
Very easily use Drive stored images in tiddlers to create complex 
text+image tiddlers. 

...and there is a *lot more* on the TiddlyGoo project page.

Note! Help is needed to create a SheetsOUT 
<https://tiddlygoo.tiddlyhost.com/#SheetsOUT>plugin, i.e some way to export 
tiddler content to Google Sheets. If you have ideas for this, please shout 
out. This would open up for... a lot.


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