Hi Mat,

this looks really good and I've played around with the Pic Macro.

Am I right in thinking Google Photos are not synced to Google Drive anymore 
(that's the message I get anyway)?

Would it be possible to adapt things so that the sharing link from Google 
Photos works, as well as the link from Google Drive? (forgive my ignorance 
if that's impossible).


On Friday, 2 April 2021 at 16:05:55 UTC+1 David Gifford wrote:

> I agree with Mohammad. I can intuitively sense that this is exciting and 
> powerful, but I can't yet visualize what it could do for me. Show us how it 
> works with a couple Google apps and a couple of items from "the rest of the 
> web". Then prepare to be arrested for causing all of our heads to explode.
> On Friday, April 2, 2021 at 12:29:59 AM UTC-6 Mat wrote:
>> I proudly present the...
>> TiddlyGoo project <https://tiddlygoo.tiddlyhost.com/>
>> The project is an expanding set of tools for integrating your wiki with 
>> the web - do participate with more ideas!
>> [image: illustration_small.png]
>> Fellow *tiddleur* *@Mark S* and I recently presented 
>> <https://groups.google.com/g/tiddlywiki/c/iqS_xINysUA/m/VAJtnRg2AwAJ> the 
>> SheetsIN plugin which is one of the linchpins enabling me to hereby present:
>> *The DriveTree plugin*
>> Map your Google Drive as a tree structure in TiddlyWiki. (Finally use TW 
>> as a document manager!)
>> *The Pic macro*
>> Very easily use Drive stored images in tiddlers to create complex 
>> text+image tiddlers. 
>> ...and there is a *lot more* on the TiddlyGoo project page.
>> Note! Help is needed to create a SheetsOUT 
>> <https://tiddlygoo.tiddlyhost.com/#SheetsOUT>plugin, i.e some way to 
>> export tiddler content to Google Sheets. If you have ideas for this, please 
>> shout out. This would open up for... a lot.
>> <:-)

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