Tones, I think you are confusing Discord and Discourse as happened earlier 
up the thread 
<>. They 
are totally unrelated and Discourse is for long-form writing and discussions 
<>, not chat.

On Monday, June 7, 2021 at 6:32:51 PM UTC-5 TW Tones wrote:

> ha Ha "bad sMellers," Totally agree, I am one of them, not to mention typos
> Seriously being able to edit the top post was a great way of summarising 
> the results that come out in the thread. A Simple standard to update the 
> top post when a question is answered, and the answer etc... would add great 
> value.
> On discourse, Its A chat not likely to have longer more serious content, 
> thus fragmented and harder to read. Has its place but in my mode not as a 
> replacement to Git hub.
> I still hole a light for Yammer, but I do not want to waste my time 
> explaining why if few people even try it. As a knowledge curator it would 
> be ideal. Many little groups and blogs can be created with the owners 
> extracting links and even build collaborative documents. Its only gap was 
> code blocks.
> Tones
> \
> On Monday, 7 June 2021 at 22:28:09 UTC+10 TiddlyTweeter wrote:
>> wrote:
>>> Jeremy just so you are aware, the issues with posting via the web 
>>>> interface go beyond just difficulty in making monospaced blocks. 
>> IF you ONLY use this GG though EMAIL then you WON'T know what got LOST 
>> recently ... (and other functions too ...)
>>    - CODE sections 
>>    - Ability to PRIVATELY REPLY to posters
>>    - Ability to RE-EDIT for spelling errors (a serious disaster for bad 
>>    sMellers, of which there are many, including me)
>> Just observations
>> TT

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