On Tuesday, June 22, 2021 at 11:25:23 AM UTC-7 cj.v...@gmail.com wrote:

> Is there some other way of getting the result of a filter that's less 
> weird than using TiddlyWiki's triple curly brackets ?

I just threw that together quickly as an example re getting color "*filter*
> ily(?)"
> It would be great to see some alternative approaches, I think.

Instead of using filtered transclusion (the tripled curly braces) to 
concatenate values stored in variables, you can use a macro definition, 
like this:

*\define colorCSS() border:25px solid 
<$vars thisSecond=<<now ss>> >
<$vars rgbArg1={{{ [<thisSecond>multiply[3]] }}} rgbArg3={{{ 
[<thisSecond>multiply[5]] }}}>
<div style=*<<colorCSS>>*>Some Text</div>

I think this is a much easier syntax to understand and use


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