On Sunday, January 16, 2022 at 7:15:09 AM UTC+1 qazxwecvr wrote:

> Probably not too many; I'll probably at the very most record a few dozen 
> theorems whose proofs involve at the very most a dozen or two steps. From 
> Mat's answer it seems like it won't be an issue.
You are right. With those numbers it looks OK. 


About the structure...

As you found out already, in TW there are several possibilities to "link" 
information together.

You mentioned the TOC table of content macro .... It works with tags. 
tiddlywiki.com uses it for the contents tab.

There are "tiddler links" [1] eg: [[tiddler title]] which directly link to 
an other tiddler title in "prose" text.
Those links can be automatically listed in the linked tiddler as so called 
"backlinks". This info is shown in the tiddler toolbar info areas as a 
"backlink". There's also the possibility to link them at the end of the 
tiddler similar to footnotes.

There are "prettylinks" [1] eg: [[link text|tiddler title]] ... Those links 
also create automatic backlinks created by the TW core.

You can use fields in 1 tiddler that contain a tiddler title which links to 
an other tiddler. ... Those relations can be very well followed using the 
relink-plugin [4]. Which also helps if tiddlers are renamed, so "links" and 
"prettylinks" are also renamed in the text properly.

I did create a TOCp macro as a plugin [2], which uses fields instead of 
tags to create a TOC like structure. By default is uses a field *name: 
parent* to create the toc structure. The field name can be any name and 
there can be several independent TOCp's if needed. 

You probably already found out about the KaTeX plugin [3], which can render 

That's all from me about the structure at the moment. 

[1] https://tiddlywiki.com/#Linking%20in%20WikiText
[2] https://wikilabs.github.io/editions/tocP/
[3] https://tiddlywiki.com/#KaTeX%20Plugin
[4] https://flibbles.github.io/tw5-relink/

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