Hi @Siniy-Kit
Why not to use Gatha ( Gatha Plugin: Beta Release - Create and Distribute 
Tiddlywiki Plugins - Plugins - Talk TW 
No need to know Node.JS. Creating a plugin in Gatha is just a piece of cake.

On Sunday, February 20, 2022 at 1:52:34 PM UTC+3:30 Siniy-Kit wrote:

> Hi, Mat. I don't know how to write plugins for Tiddlywiki, so I put all my 
> js code to one tiddler 
> https://heeg.ru/shop2_3.html#%24%3A%2Fboot%2Fbootprefix1.js
> The part you need begins here
> ////////Начало нового кода////////
> воскресенье, 20 февраля 2022 г. в 11:44:20 UTC+3, Mat: 
>> @Siniy-Kit - I've said it before: Wow! The idea that TW can be the engine 
>> for a real commercial store is just amazing! Well done!
>> How does your system convert the google sheet into tiddlers? Where can we 
>> find the code to see how this is done?
>> As you may know, your solution was the fundamental starting point for 
>> Marks and my SheetsIN plugin. Here's the github 
>> <https://github.com/Marxsal/TiddlyGoo>, the demo 
>> <https://marxsal.github.io/TiddlyGoo/> with a "special thanks" to you 
>> which is also in the plugin, and here's the gg announcement 
>> <https://groups.google.com/g/tiddlywiki/c/iqS_xINysUA/m/hx8asXfYAgAJ>. The 
>> SheetsIN plugin is part of the bigger TiddlyGoo project 
>> <https://tiddlygoo.tiddlyhost.com/> intended to provide solutions for 
>> generally connecting TW to the internet, by using google sheets as a 
>> "middle step" and a backend. 
>> ...*but* Google changed their API a few months back so SheetsIN no 
>> longer works. So I'm wondering how you solved this? Looking at your demo 
>> site 
>> <https://heeg.ru/shop2_3.html?id=16jpYS8egNJuLA8HyS-Um6wuwC9A5eFl-IKykIzZB92Y#index>,
>> it is very difficult to know what is going on and what tiddlers or plugins 
>> that connect to your sheet and extract and process the content - ? Is there 
>> a way to see the actual code that does this?
>> Thank you!
>> <:-)
>> On Monday, January 3, 2022 at 12:14:06 PM UTC+1 Ste wrote:
>>> Looking realy good!
>>> On Sunday, 2 January 2022 at 10:31:53 UTC Siniy-Kit wrote:
>>>> Hi! I make small on-line stores on Tiddlywiki. I was not able to finish 
>>>> my last work, so i make a little demo from it 
>>>> https://heeg.ru/shop2_3.html?id=16jpYS8egNJuLA8HyS-Um6wuwC9A5eFl-IKykIzZB92Y
>>>> I think that this demo will be useful for people, who want convert 
>>>> their boring spreadsheets to nice interactive Tiddlywiki page or  very 
>>>> fast 
>>>> static cut site   https://heeg.ru/carimages/static/ 
>>>> with checkboxes and images from google drive or any hosting.

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