Mark S. wrote:

> Yeah, that's what we're using. I think. Possibly Google hasn't shut it 
> down in all regions, or possibly there is something else wrong with your 
> (Mat's) particular use-case that has nothing to do with the status of JSONP.

Hmm... @Siniy-kit what do I misunderstand:

1) Your solution is fetching data from a google sheet. 
2) You can only fetch this because the sheet data is presented in json 
format thanks to a google feature that requires a special URL
3) This special URL *used to* have the format:""/public/values?alt=json-in-script
4) ...but google modified this in august last year so the special URL is 
different AND the presented data there is json but it is wrapped in some 
other stuff. Here is the *new* URL format:' + spreadsheet_id + 
'/values/' + tab_name + '?alt=json&key=' + api_key; 

OR are you using a completely different method to pull the data into your 
wiki? One of the urls you just posted seems to be a script, so maybe there 
is a local copy of some magic script in each sheet you share, or maybe 
there's a way to apply a script to a arbitrary sheets to mangle them... 
perhaps via a special url (like what you posted... but where is that script 
stored then?)

@Mark... any ideas? Am I and @Siniy-kit talking past one another? I'm the 
fool here because I'm dealing with pieces in a puzzle that I don't 
understand. Is my question wrong?

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