JSONP is a very good format. You can get data directly not only from 
spreadsheets, but for example, you can get all files list from shared 
google drive folder
here is folder
here is JSONP of this folder .  in this example I put not JSON, but one 
line array as argument of callback JavaScript function getImGD  but in 
spreadsheets we put JSON

the most interesting thing, than spreadsheets understand  mySQL parameters  
(WHERE...IN....) in GET so we can download in JSONP not whole spreadsheet, 
but only lines where column "tags" contain "hi" and so on.  Long ago I make 
demo in this group of it. *And it works without  any API *

We can push data to google spreadsheets in two ways 
1. Old variant - using google form (I make demo in this group)
2. New variant  doPOST() in google 



воскресенье, 20 февраля 2022 г. в 19:40:55 UTC+3, Mat: 

> Siniy-Kit wrote:
>> Mat, as you know, I dont use any google api in my old and New script. I 
>> open google spreadsheet direcrly like external javascript file with 
>> callback.  This format name is JSONP 
> Aha... @Mark is better suited to comment on this but I would guess then 
> that we used your code and scaled it down to the minimum and built from 
> there so it was no longer JSONP but instead JSON. I can't remember. We'll 
> see if Mark has any thoughts.
>> I read you want to make "Google spreadsheet backend"  NOW in spreadsheets 
>> scripts we can use GET and POST
>> so we can save tiddlywiki paswords in hidden spreadsheet and chek it in 
> Does this, at least theoretically, mean that it would be possible to both 
> fetch data from the spreadsheet and "push" data into it?
>> I hope, you Will finnish your idea with googlespreadsheet plugin for 
>> tiddlywiki. 
> Yeah... that'd be super cool. If it could be made to work well. And IF it 
> were possible to both fetch and push data between a TW and a goodle sheet 
> then that might even mean it would be a multi-user TW. From any TW. Where 
> you share specific tiddlers. TW could be used for communication, as a 
> plugin store, collaboration, anything.
> <:-)

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