On Apr 20, 2011, at 2:32 PM, Alex Hough wrote:

>> What is needed is a writer who can put himself or herself in the position of 
>> a naive adopter."
> Or some kind of collaboration between newbie and a TW master?

The writer might not be a TiddlyWiki devotee/expert. He/she might need to draw 
on the expertise of one or more people who are. 

[Very likely, it seems. If there was someone with both competencies surely by 
now we would have seen evidence of it, e.g., in the form of book?] 

> Over on the TiddlyDev someone (whatever I think) has offered payment
> to encourage documentation. Perhaps documentation can develop this
> way?

Yes, especially if, as seems to be the case, no one with the ability has 
offered to do the job out of pure love for TW. 

> I hang about in a business school quite a bit. A question the types
> that live there would be asking questions like: "Who would benefit
> from the type of documentation you seek? What is the purpose in
> attracting more users anyway? Where is the 'value'? Where is the
> funding coming from?"

More fundamentally, not, "Who would benefit from that type of documentation?" 
but, "Who would want to use an application like that?" Your suggestion of 
presenting stories of interesting applications ought to address that question.

Eric Weir
Decatur, GA  USA

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