Hi HansBKK

> Was any customization *necessary to get TW* to work on BrowserPuppy,
> or did you just copy over some sample files and tweak preferences?
> If yes, consider passing comments upstream, as I would think TW should
> be mainstream enough that the platform should support it without
> modification. . .

It was my intention to create a controlcenter for most of the
available TiddlyWiki documentation and use some of the graphics that
people have created for TW over time:
"TW-OS is a small OS, setup to use, demo and evaluate TiddlyWiki
I've changed BrowserLinux's behaviour in several ways to make that
1) When the livecd boots it will startup a TW "TiddlySnips", which is
a container for a "websnippets" collection. Because TW-OS is an
operating system, I've managed to install the TiddlySnip extention in
FireFox (4.0.1 - updated and upgradable...) and made it work from a
livecd - no customization needed..
2) I have revamped and extended the AppStarter application to provide
shortcuts to many of the present TiddlyWiki ressources and
documentation- Idea is that as a newcommer you will have everything
you need to get started at your fingertips.
It should also provide a complete experience suitable for presenting
TiddlyWiki for "outsiders"...
3) TW-OS is a remaster of PuppyMartins BrowserLinux, which means that
I have added or left out some things from the menus. I.e. I've hidden
the option to install Google Chrome, because TW needs tiddlysaver.jar
- and you would have to install java -
4) A puppy remaster like TW-OS might be compared to TiddlyWiki's
shadowtiddlers because when you do a "frugall install" to usb or save
a "savefile" with persistent changes of the system, - the original is
still there. You can have several "savefiles" (encrypted or
unencrypted) to choose from, when you startup - all using the same
"basesystem". You can always go back to the original - if something
The basesystem *could* be PuppyMartin's BrowserLinux (or any other
Puppy Linux derivative), however I made this variant as a contribution
to the TiddlyWiki community..
5) TW-OS has 3. (4 with the empty.html) locally stored TiddlyWikis,
and you can use it without any internetconnection - however it is
*very* easy to connect to the net (wireless and lan) from *any*
computer you use - because TW-OS (and all other Puppy derivatives)
lets you save and run the system from an usb, - you'll just need "some
hardware" to run your own OS, anytime anywhere....
6) I use Puppy Linux every day (even at work, where I open my virtual
jobpc via VmWare ViewClient or at home where I use Cisco's AnyConnect
for vpn connection), because it gives me an extremely fast and
responsive system - on very lowtech hardware..
7) You can easily turn your own copy of TW-OS into a livecd showcase
of your own customized TiddlyWikis by running the remasterscript ->
star icon on the desktop -> TiddlyWiki Apps -> More Apps -> More Apps
(or simply /usr/share/applications/Remaster-Puppy-live-CD)
8) You can change appstarters directly from the dialogs - no
programmingskills required...
9) If you want to localize TW-OS it's a 2-minute job - You simply
choose keyboardlayout, localtime etc - and translate/change the .jwmrc
(hidden file) in the /root/ directory - again no programming skills
10) Enjoy :-)

Cheers Måns Mårtensson

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