Sorry - I was too quick - do not download 2 and 3, i forgot to install
the tiddlysnip addon - and the backup locations werent correctly
Now there is a new one (I hope all is well now  ...):http://xn--mns-

Cheers Måns Mårtensson

On May 3, 4:26 pm, Måns <> wrote:
> Hi Bauwe
> > Not sure if this is a system to promote tw or to promote small-linux
> > to tw users?
> > ...I guess both...
> Yep, that was my intention..
> > How would an autostarted prism work with a "tw-desktop" (imagine a tw
> > with paste a desktop...browse local
> > files...launching other tw's etc.)?...running on local tw-web
> > instance...?
> I did some of that when I was learning how to remaster a Puppy: prism,
> showLocalDirectories, LaunchApplications etc..
> I made a System.html with your beautifull MineralTheme (My favorite
> theme btw!!) and used it in a Danish tw-os (last week actually)..
> I will translate it and make it available at the projectpage if anyone
> is interested...
> > Good stuff:
> > When people use tw inhere the outcomes or issues will be predictable
> > and universal...
> > No surprises for users because firefox is available...(when people use
> > this os it's less likely they run into issues)
> Exactly what I thought, when I started out with tw-os!!
> > I think therefor that quickstart-html should be shipped....file
> > dropping etc...import/export html...(these works best for me here on
> > linux)
> Yep - I believe you are right... You are very welcome to write those -
> and I will implement them in a later release!
> If you however want to remaster your own version - (it is very easy),
> I can host your iso same place where I keep mine...
> > 1st quick report:
> > On the starter:
> > TiddlySpace launcher goes to TiddlyWeb googlegroups...
> > The Dev launcher goes to tiddlywiki-dev....this must be TiddlyWikiDev
> > (
> > I think the project-home belongs also at a 
> > launcher:
> 1) fixed
> 2) fixed
> 3) I have set open as "my homepage"
> in FireFox (tw_os-3.iso)
> icons in menus etc - no
> minimode or homepagesettings 99MB (md5sum
> 8e03550547c64a8dce2c5e5ba14af6c5) 
> as 2, added 3 firefox
> extensions minimode, and two google docs addons - homepagesetting is
> set to @tw-os - result= 103MB (md5sum
> bf049b8fc832838d6b8f2b078d217d4d)
> Thank you very much for your feedback!!
> Cheers Måns Mårtensson

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