> And I think that TiddlyWiki should be defined in an empty TiddlyWiki 
> +1

IMO, missing tiddlers simply looks like it's some error which is confusing.

Not an error, but a useful tool, I think.
I imagine, the missing tiddler list on tiddlywiki.com may indeed need some 
One way would be to redirect now dead candidates to their new places.
Another would be the ability to add a missing link to some 
S:/config/IgnoreMissing index which...

   1. prevents the link from being wikified as a link
   2. no longer lists the link in the missing tab

One half measure idea would be a some text in faint gray in each missing 
> tiddler informing that [there is no content in this tiddler]. (Not quite 
> true if it's not a tiddler to begin with.)

There's a bug in 5.1.5 that prevents the desired message from showing up.

> Another route might be to de-linkify them with "~"

That's one way to do it, but some of them are possibly intended to be 
documented, yet not documented as of today. Perhaps some rudimentary 
doc-todo tag would be an indication as to what are truly "missing tiddlers" 
on tiddlywiki.com.
Best wishes, Tobias. 

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