RichShumaker wrote:
> How did you find those missing tiddlers under the missing tab?
> In the Emptly.HTML there are no missing tiddlers but 'TiddlyWiki' is 
> linked too and does not exist.

Sure you'' find them: Sidebar tab More and then vertical tab Missing. 


> And I think that TiddlyWiki should be defined in an empty TiddlyWiki 
especially if we decide to change the name from, empty.html to 
> TiddlyWiki.html or some variation of TW for the name.

What does that first line mean?

As I have said before I like the biggest name I can get and I know I am in 
> the minority, this would be my choice for naming structure 
> TiddlyWiki-5-1-6-empty.html.

Why not with periods instead of hyphens? I believe this works just fine, 
no? Maybe TiddlyWiki5.1.6_empty.html ? (Even if I'd rather have it named 
just TiddlyWiki5.1.6.html

I've brought up the missing tiddlers issue before (even eagerly emailed 
several alerts to Jeremy *"Oh, I found another one!!!!* before realizing 
that, yes, there is a "missing" list with 100+ names! LOL) IMO, the problem 
is that it simply looks like there's some error which is confusing. 

One half measure idea would be a default text informing that [there is no 
content in this tiddler]. However, this is not true because it's not a 
tiddler to begin with. 

Pure tags (i.e tags that are not a tiddler) could have a text informing 
that "<name> is a tag" and maybe even listing in which tiddlers. Could this 
be done without having be a tiddler? (...or maybe that wouldn't matter? 
Could have a field saying it's of type tag?)

Another route might be to de-linkify them in empty. I.e to have a run 
through that puts a "~" in front of them. That way they're not seen in view 
mode but we could still easily find them when/if we want to.


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