
You might find the ideas from this site 
<http://www.cyborganize.org/clarity/what-is-cyborganize/> of interest. 
Essentially, WordPress blogs are used for journalling, and clips are then 
moved into TiddlyWiki as raw ideas require massaging into information. 

I run my personal Wordpress journals in a docker.io 
<http://docs.docker.com/installation/mac/> container, but any LAMP setup 
will do the trick -- like this one for Windows: Windows Installer 


On Monday, May 4, 2015 at 3:57:03 AM UTC+2, David Gifford wrote:
> Hi all, 
> One goal that is always eluded me is the idea of having one TiddlyWiki 
> file be a hub for all my notes, rather than spreading my notes out among 
> several TiddlyWiki files. Tagging and hyperlinking will always be limited 
> in application if one's ideas have to be spread out among different files. 
> I have sensed I am not the only one who has seen TiddlyWiki as a potential 
> route to a global personal information management tool. When node.js 
> appeared I mistakenly thought it would be the solution to the filesize 
> issue. But in practice it also slowed down with the inclusion of multiple 
> images, etc. 
> On my Recursos.giffmex.org, to keep file size to a minimum and increase 
> the speed at which files can be opened by site users, I am using a central 
> TiddlyWiki file that links to numerous static HTML files. I am using the 
> create static file from tiddler button found in the search area. This has 
> been a helpful process for me, but it has a drawback. If I want to edit a 
> static file, I must actually edit the tiddler in the originating file, then 
> create a replacement static file, and replace the old static file with it. 
> This is caused me to wonder if there could be such a thing as an html file 
> that could act like a tiddler only in the sense that it also has an edit 
> template, so that it could be edited in the same way a tiddler is edited. 
> That way the central TiddlyWiki could act as a hub with external links to 
> small, easily editable HTML files that act as articles or entries. 
> With such a system, a TiddlyWiki file could conceivably be a much more 
> extensible knowlege base, since each tiddler in the central file would be 
> small, only a hyperlink to the html file, plus any tags and internal 
> hyperlinks to related tiddlers. And the html files would be small, 
> basically the size of the static files I create now, plus the edit template 
> mechanism. 
> Of course, there would also be the need to quickly create such editable 
> files from within the TW file. 
> I am guessing that this is all just wishful thinking, but it doesn't hurt 
> to ask if this is in the realm of possibility, does it? Does this give any 
> of you developers some bright ideas? 
> Blessings, Dave 

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