Hi Mat, 

>    - Shoud it perhaps be tagged $:/tags/Macro ?
> hmmm... yes. Now you mention it, I'm not sure why it works without that - 
I guess because it's javascript and explicitly functions as a macro. 

>    - I note that  adds "#". This is a really nice touch for the github 
>    issues but does not work so well for permalinks as they already have this 
>    character after the slash sign so it results in double ##. It is of course 
>    trivial to remove that bit from the code so I can do this myself. 
> Something 
>    else I will try is to let the user specify delimiter is but perhaps use 
> "/" 
>    as default. (I'll attempt to implement this too... "good luck, Mat")
Good luck, Mat! It's really not so scary - you should be able to pass the 
delimiter as an optional second parameter 

>    - When I add it (to TWaddle), should/can I in the tiddler head add the 
>    text:
>    - 
> creator: Richard Smith
> source: https://
> dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/83055414/prettifylinkexample.html#RS%2Fmacros%2Fprettifypath.js
I'd rather not commit to that file existing for any length of time.  

>    - ...and, if I manage to get something working with my tweaks for it, 
>    how would I fairly credit you? Include "original creator" and "original 
>    source" perhaps?
> I don't really care about credit, tbh (there are tens of thousands of 
Richard Smith's in the world anyway) but perhaps soon I will start to keep 
a github page of my own and that might be the place to point to 

>    - Maybe its worth making it into a plugin (ref Andreas Tinka) ?
> Perhaps, if we add some more features/options it will be worth rolling up 
into a plugin and we can maintain it together - your idea after all.

@Alex: good idea Alex - inexplicably, I hadn't looked at the documentation 
macros before. I will have a play later. The dropbox issue seems to be 
because you don't have it in your 'public' folder? Only the public folder 
gets permanent links but some people don't have a public folder. Thanks for 
attaching the file, will explore.

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