I'm very pleased to announce this special Birthday Edition of *Cardo* Beta 
(hence jumping from *β*3 to *β*42!) - available on *http://cardo.wiki* 

And for a very special birthday gift from me to all of you.. the thing 
you've all been asking for the most... *dum da da dum*... *Ticklers!*

(Ok, so I call them Reminders. I also call them Cards. See previous 
discussions!!) ;->

The one thing I don't have yet is a way to fire them - I'll need to figure 
out how to write a startup plugin. (Any tutorials?). However, please test 
the heck out of them. You can use them from your Project or Person 
dashboard, or from your New and Review sidebars.

I've also fixed a number of bugs from discussions here (not all, but please 
be patient and keep the reports coming).

Cheers, and many blessings to all of you for a healthy and prosperous year.


- *1.0β42 (Feb 6 2017):*
   - Added: Reminders! (a.k.a. Ticklers)
      - *Note:* In this beta, I don't have a way to trigger an alert yet, 
      although there is an alert dialog ready and waiting ... be patient!
      - To use, add a Reminder from your "My Dashboard", or the "New" or 
      "Review" sidebars.
      - If you don't set an assignee on the reminder, or set it to someone 
      else, it will still trigger (for whenever it's set), and show up in the 
      Reminders review dashboard, but not on your own "My Dashboard". It will 
      show up on the proper person's dashboard if assigned to someone else.
   - Added: Tasks can set a Reminder
   - Added: Completed tasks will delete any matching reminder
   - Changed: Some dashboard and sidebar layouts to show Reminders
   - Changed: Tasks marked "Recurring" can no longer be marked "Complete" 
   (because really, if they're recurring they're never truly done)
   - Fixed: fieldOrEmpty filter handles "-SKIP-" as well as actual empty 
   vars, for times when a var can't literally be empty (such as $set 
   - Fixed: Correct completed tasks show on project or person's dashboard
   - Fixed: Ordered tasks properly in lists
   - Added: Favicon!

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