Ciao Thomas

*blushes*. That was likely one of my better more coherent moments. 

The ToDoNow plugin IS very good. It's on my desktop 24/7.

Best wishes

On Saturday, 25 February 2017 00:49:34 UTC+1, Thomas Elmiger wrote:
> Hi all
> Just a short note, most of all to Josiah who contributed a lot of ideas 
> and testing: My plugins are updated (and still worked in a first test). 
> ===
> *Listreveal*
> For my lists of tiddlers I made a special tool *listreveal* that
> a) lets you open listed tiddlers and see their tags and other details 
> (similar to the new tiddler manager but simpler)
> b) lets you add tags based on all tiddlers in the list with two clicks 
> (only suggestions, no input field) or remove tags from the tiddler
> ===
> *ToDoNow*
> Building up on lists from Listreveal I made this simple but effective 
> ToDo-App. Here’s what Josiah said about this 
> <!msg/tiddlywiki/_Fo9kpmfZc0/jE2Sxjs9AAAJ>
> (thank you!): 
> I think its worth saying WHY it is good. #GTD functional design is not as 
>> easy as it first might look. What you really got right on this, for this 
>> specific type of GTD, IMO, is ..
>>    1. Clear, uncluttered, interface that gives an immediate OVERVIEW.
>>    2. IN SITU TOOLS. In-line editing, deadline assignment & click 
>>    prioritisation.That is so good because tasks stay in full CONTEXT.
>>    3. Simple THREE SECTIONS (ActionNow, Tasks, Finished) with easy 
>>    transfer between them
>>    4. Overall SIMPLICITY & EFFICIENCY of functional use.
>> ===
> After some major refactoring both plugins come with new features, short 
> readmes and with some new CSS-classes. 
> *As always: remember to back up your wikis before you try my stuff.*
> And as always you can find them here: 
> – and as always 
> feedback ist highly appreciated!
> (There are still some ideas from Josiah on my development todo list, but 
> please don’t hold your comments back.)
> Have a nice weekend!
> Thomas

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