Hi jan

On Tuesday, September 12, 2017 at 4:31:56 PM UTC-5, Jan wrote:
> Hi Coda,
> I would like to avoid expressions looking to technical in the inputText.
> In my concept the macro is transcluded by the rolename:
> {{Peter}} like all roles leads to a tiddler which a only macro called 
> <<role>> as text. The macro is defined:
> \define role() 
> <div class=role><$list 
> filter="[{!!title}tag[emphasis]]"><hr></$list><$list 
> filter="[{!!title}has[name]]"emptyMessage={{!!title}}>{{!!name}}</$list></div>
> \end

That's completely fine (I think).  I hate typing out << and >> everywhere 
-- when authoring, it breaks my concentration and "flow".

My "system" doesn't care what the markup looks like (it can be any 
TW-valid-text -- a macro, a transclusion or any combination you can dream 
up).  My question was to make sure you're okay with seeing regular TW 
markup in the editor and have the system output something else entirely 
(which, when it is displayed in VIEW mode looks entirely different again).  
I guess I didn't phrase the question properly.

Perhaps I should explain my system?  I hope you're running Windows...

I use a combination of AutoHotKey (AHK) and TW macros to produce markup.  I 
find it extraordinarily useful for oft repeated phrases which occur a lot 
(when authoring) and should always look the same.  So, for example, in TW, 
I define a single macro for each main character.  <<jack>> and <<jill>>, 
for example.  Then, in AHK I define another macro which *triggers* the TW 
macro reference as output -- I make sure that the AHK macro is as short as 
possible, made up of one or two or at most three characters unlikely to 
occur "naturally" -- using a hyphen at the start or end can help.

While I can't "see" exactly what it is you're trying to achieve (again, I 
don't know screenwriting lingo), I'm now convinced the combination of TW ~ 
AHK is the way to trigger anything you want to "magically appear" in the 
editor with one or two keystrokes.

So, final example, here's my section divider in TW:

\define break() <p><br><hr style="text-align:center;width:100px;"/><br></p>

And here is the AHK macro that triggers it:

:*:brk::   <<break>>

In TW, I type brk and out pops a call to <<break>> which, as you can see 
will end up with a P element, a BR element and so on. 

Now, just in case I haven't explained my system good enough for you, let me 
say it another way...

AHK doesn't care how long or complex its output is.  With a suitably 
short/obscure key combo, you can output as much TW-wiki syntax as you like, 
identically, a thousand times over, with ease.

Any questions?  You know where I am :)

AHK Link:  https://autohotkey.com/

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