
You say 

> What Newbies need, IMO, is a simple Google group with basic instructions 
> and Q & A. And LINKS to FULL-FEATURED completed TW designed for SPECIFIC 
> PURPOSES so they can download what they need to get on with it and forget 
> everything else.

I agree but unless a group/forum is part of something the non-newbies 
frequent it will need a collaborative effort to maintain. This is not 
difficult, it just needs to launch and a little grit to "make it stick":

On editions (Complete TWs) see below. 

> On whether TW is here for the long haul? YES, it is. It is a remarkable 
> bit of kit that has proven resilient for over a decade already.

Totally agree 

> The fact the user base is small compared to TW's huge utility is a sad 
> thing. IMO if we provided more FULLY FORMED apps in a simple way it would 
> get used a lot more.

First I think you may find a lot of people discover tiddlywki and go away 
and use it, and sometimes we hear from them. This is what I did with TWC 
and Erics TiddlyTools site for a long time. A Key cultural feature of the 
google groups was you did not need to search you just ask.

I agree some fully formed apps in a directory would be good but I would 
like to suggest we do have some of these and I for one are impressed by 
them, they are on my HDD, they inspire me, but I do not use them. The thing 
is they are either the whole solution (you have to buy into them), or only 
part of the solution (you need to combine with other features/plugins). I 
think a little more supportive content between plugins and editions in size 
is what we need. I am working on a few myself but it will be some time 
before I can demonstrate where I am, coming from. We need to extend this 
building block approach into the solutions people can use, without 
providing only part, or all of the solution.

I believe there needs to be an ecosystem of solutions rather than editions, 
code or plugins, even if you use plugins to archive this, people are 
thinking about and working on solutions.


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