On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 01:34:42PM -0500, DRC wrote:
> Our current Java viewer is based on the RealVNC code, not the
> TightVNC-based viewer.  In fact, it still says "RealVNC" whenever you
> run it.  :)  It's on my long-term list of things to do to merge in a
> bunch of features from the TurboVNC Java viewer, but the problem is that
> TigerVNC's current Java viewer doesn't even support Tight encoding yet.
>  I would need that in place before I could do any merging.  We had a guy
> who was supposed to work on it, but I haven't heard from him recently.

RealVNC Java 4.1 (last public release) has a complete different class
structure as the content of trunk/java of TigerVNC SVN:

RealVNC Java 4.1 uses a simpliar class modes as the C++ version [I
have VeNCrypt patches for such a viewer too].

On the other hand, the TigerVNC java viewer is based on Tightvnc [some
files are even carring such a copyright]. I had riped out some
unsupported Tightvnc Code (Tight Security Type).  The sources contain
a TightDecoder.java, so I doubt that it does not support Tight Encoding.

Martin Kögler

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